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 18 Alpha Special Forces Officer 

The  Special Forces officer is the team leader of an operational detachment alpha, a highly trained 12-man team that is deployed in rapid-response situations. The officer organizes the mission, outfits the team and debriefs them on the mission objective. 



  • Have previous clan/Crew leadership experience / Hold Sergeant First Class Rank.

  • Must be 18 years of age or older.

  • Must be active and be able to plan missions

  • Must be able to be on time for officer examination entry (if you fail, you will be rescheduled to take another one in 2 weeks) 

  • Must plan role plays and start a role play without the presence of the Colonel or Command Sergeant Major. 

  • Must have a mic


Candidates must undergo an all weapons training course

Must be able to understand the strengths and flaws of their Team


Must be familiar with 2SFG Rules and Regulations

Must undergo a leadership training of team vs team game and Survival

Further Parachuting training

Candidates must learn how to conduct an Operation.


Officers will be automatically promoted to 1st Lieutenant upon passing, this rank will be temporary until a Detachment Commander or Sergeant Major/First Sergeant approves your ability to lead thus being promoted to a Captain (Detachment Commander)


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Enlistment is open for Xbox 360

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