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 Military Jargon and Slang 

Although not a necessary training, these slangs and Jargon will often be used by members of 2SFG

Tango - Enemy

P.O.G (Pronounced Pogue like Vogue) - Personnel Other than Grunt (Someone who doesn't hold a combat arms MOS)

Boot - New person

Topside - Roof

CWO/WO - Chief Warrant officer/Warrant Officer

CO - Commanding Officer

OIC - Officer in Command (Can be enlisted or Commissioned officer)


SNCO - Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (Ranked between Staff Sergeant and Command Sergeant Major/Sergeant Major)


NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer (Ranked Between Corporal/Specialist and Sergeant)

Non-NCO - Non Non-Commissioned Officer (Below the rank of Corporal/Specialist)

Perimeter - Area around a certain area

A.O - Area of Operations

Contact *direction either front, back, left or right* - Enemy fire from such direction given

Pull Security - Securing area keeping an eye out for enemy

L.S.I.A - Los Santos International Airport

H.A.L.O - High Attitude, Low opening parachuting

H.A.H.O - High Attitude, High Opening parachuting

L.A.H.O - Low Altitude, High Opening Parachuting (Standard parachuting)

C.A.S - Close Air Support

MediEvac - Medical Evac

Extraction - Leaving Area of Operations

L.Z - Landing Zone

Hot Extraction/L.Z - Landing zone under heavy fire

Danger close - Artillery/Air Support/Bombing zone that is at 200 meters from you

R.P - Rendezvous Point

E.R.P - Emergency Rendezvous point

Salty - Someone who has been in service for a long time.

P.O.S - Piece of Sh*t

Jarheads - Marines

Chair Force - Air Force

Zoomie/s - Air Forces

​M.O.S - Military Occupational Speciality (Army and Marines)

A.F.S.C - Air Forces Speciality Code

Rating - Naval equivalent for MOS and AFSC

D.S - Drill Sergeant (Army)

M.T.I - Military Training Instructor (Air Force)

D.I - Drill Instructor (Marine Corps)

SFG - Special Forces Group

ODA - Operations Detachment Alpha (Platoon)

ODB - Operations Detachment Bravo (Company)

ODD - Operations Detachment Delta (Delta Force)

1SFOD-D - 1st Special Forces Operations Detachment Delta (Delta Force)

CSAR - Combat Search And Rescue

CT - Counter Terrorism

CN - Counter Narcotics

CP - Close Protection

CPU - Close Protection Unit


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